Science behind PVP

Science behind energy cure

We love science and especially physics. There are a lot of theories and experiments that inspired us to create PVP. In this section of our website you will find the most important ones.

The atom that makes EVERYTHING in our physical reality is just a nuclei and electron, very far away from it compare to the size of the nucleons. If the nucleon is the size of an orange the electron will orbit if about 1 mile away. So basically we are 99% empty space, rather than matter. So we are 99% energy beings rather than water beings.

The quantum world proved that we, as observers, determine the result of the reality (Tungusta experiment, double slit experiment), which is obvious in daily lifetime when you refer to a pessimistic or optimistic person.

Murphy law is questionable  when you come home with your groceries in your right hand all the time, and the left hand empty. You will notice that the key is almost 50% in either pocket. No matter your daily mood, you just notice only the times when it is in the right pocket and you have to switch hands. If the keys were in the left pocket you would take them out and get in your house easily without your brain to notice the positive event that occurred and getting you in the house easily.

Schroedinger cat is basicaly the most important experiment for you, the human being that wants to believe in a magic pill cure. The experimet tells you that you are in the same time dead and alive, smart and dumb, beautiful and ugly, healthy and sick. Until you question all those states, if you stay present, alive, conscious about everything you do, feel or think, you will live forever in that present moment.